Saturday, May 11, 2013

007 Policy

The Double Zero Seven (007) Policy is my way of approaching the issues that are tearing apart our society and our Nation:

First, ZERO Tolerance for Crime:

Be it  any crime against any citizen, young or old, male or female; we as one social entity have to fight back to regain our rights to safety & security from the criminals that have infected our lives.  We must have a zero tolerance for all criminal activity.

Second, ZERO Tolerance for Social disparity (aka Reservations):

The national political parties consistently & constantly divide our  Nation along the fissures of Religion, Caste, Creed & Economy. This has turned us from being one proud & united nation to becoming enemies of ourselves, fighting & killing fellow citizens mindlessly, just to keep the various political parties in power. These vested interests are destroying talent, merit, honesty and credibility for their own agenda of massive corruption, nepotism, crony capitalism and treasury theft. We must have a zero tolerance for Reservations of any kind and insist on “meritocracy” for all. (No More Reservations).

The Seven Rules of Civilized Society that we must follow: 

“There is no place like home.” Find a congenial place and put down roots. Live in a home that you own (by yourself or in conjunction with family) and that is debt free. If you have a mortgage (literally “death grip” in Latin), make extra principle payments every month.

“The borrower is the slave of the lender.” The way out of that trap is to borrow as little money as possible, pay it back as soon as possible, and live debt free as possible. Don’t use a credit if you can avoid it. Consider carefully how and where you earn your money; aim for earning a “right livelihood”. Work with an inner understanding that you are following an honorable vocation that supports yourself and your family.

“Waste not, want not.” Minimize your energy use. Invest in energy conservation and alternative, renewable energies. Don’t use conventional high energy air conditioning (learn other strategies for dealing with the heat and humidity of summer). For transportation, the goal is to organize your life so you can live car free or alternatively, to minimize use of a personal vehicle.

“Gather your community.” Connect with your local neighbors and friends. This is not a time when the Lone Ranger will find much success. Be a good neighbor. Help your neighbors and friends and work with them to make your community more sustainable and resilient. Be active with civil society organizations or informal associations that are working for good causes and goals

“Be alert and aware.” Know what’s going on. Search out “side-stream” media for news and useful information. Tell others what is happening in your area and be generous in sharing knowledge and skills. Ignore the prevalent government and corporation propaganda. Don’t buy the lie that “what you do doesn’t matter” and avoid procrastination.

“Don’t let the perfect become the enemy of the good.” Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. If you can’t go all the way into sustainability right away, do small, easy things at first (“pick the low hanging fruit”) and as you get better at those, adopt bigger and more challenging goals. If you can’t do the best, it’s OK to be simply better, or at least good. Where your journey is taking you is important, and if you make some detours along the way and lose some time, get back on the road when and where you can. Avoid fools.

“Think globally, act locally. “ So, when the going gets rough, nobody gets thrown to the wolves. This is a basic principle of a civilization of life and love; we ignore it to our peril. Our first concern is naturally for those who are closest to us, but that can’t be the extent of our involvement. Our families, friends, and neighborhoods are impacted directly by world events. An injury to one indeed is an injury to all: we must make injustice visible and protect the poor and the powerless. The more solidarity and cooperation that is present in a society, the more resilient, just, and sustainable it becomes.


The changing landscape of terrorism and its funding.

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