Showing posts with label false narrative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label false narrative. Show all posts

Friday, March 31, 2023

USA creating a fuzzy narrative that borders on falsehood against India.

 Recently, I came across a video by one Jacob Templin, who supposedly is an adjunct professor at Columbia University and Head of Video at Thomson Reuters from New York. His video was titled, “We don’t know how many people live in India, and it’s a problem”.

 The question to ask is, why is a leftist liberal like Jacob Templin interested in social issues of a foreign country? He neither stays in India, nor pays taxes here; and any views or opinions that he might have in this context are immaterial and unwarranted. Yet, these leftists keep on harping on issues in foreign countries, since its their very nature to try and pull-down others to their gutter levels.

 The USA as a nation is not known for its social integration. It’s a nation that has a history of slavery of colored people by white people, and a bloodier history of acquiring land through the mass massacre of native Indian tribes, and through war with neighboring governments to annex their territory. From the north-east where the first English people landed, to the Western shores of USA, their primary strategy of land-grab was through violence, blood-shed and genocide. Make no mistake about it, USA has committed genocide across continents and over decades to assert their ‘superiority’ over others.

 But, coming to the specific video that is the center of this article, its rather comical that the “victim” that is portrayed in the video is overweight to the point of being obese and even her family members who are seen in the background are, to put it mildly, overweight. The two Indian lady narrators in the video are, as usual, representing the bleeding-hearts that you stumble across in various social gatherings in India, and who justify their existence in society by living off the scraps thrown at them by the illiterate liberals of the western world.

 Indians have food security. The ‘victim’ in the video complains that she is buying flour from the stores in India at the price of ₹ 35/- per kilo (approximately 0.43 US cents for 2.2 US Lbs). Compare this to the March 2023 wheat flour retail price in USA at 0.52 cents per pound, or approximately 20% more expensive in USA as compared to India.

 Templin also seems to be totally unconcerned and oblivious to the fact that 9 million children in USA face hunger daily and do not know where they will find their next meal. This is according to the NGO in USA called Feeding America. Templin should also take note of the fact that off the 1-in-8 kids that are at risk of hunger in his country; black and Latino kids are more likely to face hunger than white children due to the systematic racial injustice in his country, USA.

In comparison, during the Covid lock-down in India, the government of India, under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi, distributed food at subsidized rates to over 80 million residents of India; without any discrimination, giving 35 kg of food grain every month to families at the cost of 1 Indian rupees ($0.0121) to 3 Indian rupees ($0.0362). This free food program was terminated after the Covid pandemic’s dangers receded. As of today (in 2023), the Food Corporation of India through foresight and planning of an efficient supply chain management, growth in food production, and customer affordability due to subsidized prices for consumers, price support for farmers and food availability through extra grain distribution; have substantially reduced the number of food–insecure people in India. Due to this forward planning by our Prime Minister Modi’s government, the number of food-insecure people in India is projected to decrease to 24.7 million or 1.7 percent, by the next decade.

In the video, there is talk about growing unemployment and inflation in my India. The blatant lies here are not only mischievous but dangerously anti-Indian.

According to the recent (March 2023) report by CMIE (Centro for Monitoring Indian Economy), India’s unemployment rate in India is around 7.45% at present. Compare this to the unemployment rate in USA which stands at an average of 4.7% nationally, which is on the higher side for a ‘developed industrial’ nation.

The current inflation rate in India is 6.16% on average, which is calculated based on CPI (Consumer Price Index) values for the last 12 months ending in January 2023 while that of USA is 6.04% on average (down from 9.06% in June 2022). [Reference Inflationdata (dot) com].

The one issue that Templin and his ilk will never have an opinion on is the gun-violence in USA. According to ABC (American Broadcasting Company) News, more than 9,800 people were killed by gun violence in USA in the first 90 days of this year. That is 108 people killed per day. So, Templin is worried about the people problems in India, but has no published opinion about the people problem in his own country? 

Essentially, a country of 1.3 billion people with a rising economy cannot be the problem of Americans in any manner. But the liberal leftists like Templin consider every democracy, including their own as a danger to society, and therein lies the root cause of all intellectual insurgency.

Let Jacob Templin and others like him know, that our India is on a path to success under the able leadership of our Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and leftist liberals like him are not going to stop our success.




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