Monday, November 23, 2020

Simulated Training Environment ~ The Virtual & Augmented Reality Platform [STE-VARP]

Virtual and Augmented Reality Simulations enable armed forces personnel to plan and rehearse tactical operations prior to execution of operations on-the-ground. The STE-VARP platform offers tactical and per-operational training, as well as total support in the battle-field and post-operational review.

STE-VARP platform allows for training of soldiers from basic level (fresh recruits) to complex special operations [SpecOps] by veteran troops. The versatility of this platform allows for the trainees to be immersed in an environment that creates the geography and topography of any country in the world, replicating the same type of terrain and environment where they will be required to conduct their mission.

Advantages of STE-VARP platform:

- Operational and situational awareness, allowing operation commanders better tools for monitoring troops, operations space, and time management. The troops have on-ground awareness provided by real-time information which is superimposed on their augmented reality systems.

- Combat training at reduced costs, without using expensive field equipment and consumables. The STE-VARP training platform is effective in training in globally diverse environments that allows experiential, realistic and immersive training.

- Other advantages:

o Safer training environments

o Mission rehearsals with deeper immersive experience

o Terrain diversity and customization

o Real-time targeting assistance

o Enhanced spatial awareness

o Engaged mission planning

o Operational efficiency measurement

 The STE-VARP platform also includes connectivity of the operational squads with their support and back-up forces, and command HQ. From regular training to operational mission rehearsals, the flexibility of the STE-VARP platform is unrestricted and scalable as needed.

As the armed forces modernize their Integrated Training Structure to overcome the issues of multi-domain operational environment, the use of STE-VARP technologies is crucial for focused training of the troops to enable them to win against a rapidly modernizing adversary. Current simulated training capacity operates in facility based, closed and restrictive environment that require high overhead expenditure in terms of support personnel and maintenance; and do not support the full range of mission command information systems that are the necessity of modern, current warfare that is conducted in a complex operational environment. Current training capabilities are unable to offer training in electronic warfare, cyberspace and multi-operational environments that troops will fight in.

STE-VARP platform can be used to train and rehearse simultaneously in three major areas of battle-field operations: Forward deployed operational force, supply-line / logistics units and command staff at operational HQs; for better synchronization among these verticals. The required parameter matrix(s) will have to be developed through cooperation between the armed forces policy planners and the STE-VARP platform developers.

Once fully developed, the STE-VARP platform will allow for theater level operational planning; including logistics, validation of troop landing areas, staging and forward movement and integration between commands. This platform will also replicate with high accuracy, the complex operational environment during training phases to accurately portray the operational area terrain, weather pattern, cultural issues of urban warfare and threat perceptions.

The training design and management component of the platform will allow policy planners and field commanders to create specific training scenarios quickly and efficiently. The user-friendly program will prompt users to consider all aspects of an operation from initiation to completion.

The focus of the training will be on high-intensity conflict with flexibility of operating in various terrains, and under constant observation. Training will be realistic, interactive, dynamic and iterative; putting personnel of all ranks under immense pressure to perform psychologically and physically with continuous movement, war-zone innovation and integration of capabilities from command level to the individual trooper for enhanced operational capability.

A crucial component of this training and operational system is the generically defined Tactical Augmented Reality Display [TARP]. TARP is based on the heads-up display unit [HUDU] used by fighter pilots where all their crucial information (fuel level, armament readiness, spatial data, weapon targeting, et al) is superimposed onto the pilots’ visor for better situational awareness.

TARP is based on the same principles where a head-mounted unit offers the possibilities of ensuring that the individual soldier knows his/ her exact location and the positions of his/her team members along-with positions of enemy troops. TARP operates in all environments, from bright day light to pitch black, and is embedded with GPS and secure communication system that connects real time to team-members, command post and HQ command simultaneously.

TARP can be easily synchronized with the soldier’s weapon using modern technology (local wireless, thermal mapping, laser pointer, whereby the soldier can see the target clearly and the measured distance to it. Sensors in TARP and mounted on the soldier’s helmet allows for the analysis of wind patterns and wind-speeds to enhance the accuracy of target acquisition.

In a CQB environment, the display can be split-up so that the soldier can simultaneously observe the gun-barrel’s line of sight and the panoramic view in the front, all through a high-resolution helmet mounted camera. Essentially, this allows the soldier to see around corners or over walls, without the risk of getting shot.

The TARP’s embedded secure communication system allows squad / platoon members to share information among themselves and with the operational command-post on a real-time basis, which is significant as ground operations are mostly fluid with rapid changes. Communications can be relayed to HQs via a command post relay or directly from squad / platoon leader to the HQ via satellite.

Potential hurdles in efficiency:

o Informational overload:

When too much data is available without being properly structured. Filtration of data to the soldiers TARP is essential to avoid overload and prevent distraction.

o Dependence on Augmented Reality technology:

There will be concerns that policy makers might make key decisions with too much reliance on AR enhancements. This might allow disruption of the AR systems by the enemy, giving them battle-field advantage. Hence, the STE-VAR system must have flexibility of basic on-ground decision making, using traditional decision-making tools as needed.

o Data security:

Handling of AR/VR data storing, its transmission and communication systems is always a prominent concern in the armed forces. Encryption and accreditation of equipment and applications loaded onto the system will require constant vigilance and upgrading of data security protocols.


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“Washington Overconfidential”……

Many Indians and Americans of Indian - origin are over-the-moon with the electoral victory of Joe Biden to become the President of the United States. These persons labor under the false assumption that the ‘Biden presidency’ will be good for India. The first false assumption being made is that future U.S. policies will be more in favor of India. This is being naive at its best, since all U.S. policies by all U.S. politicians are always in favor of the USA - first, last and every time. After the first 100 days of political honeymoon, or even sooner, the world will wake-up to the reality of ‘’Sleepy-Joe” and his presidency.

During his election campaign, Biden had put out a policy paper that aimed at ‘seeking the restoration of Kashmiri Rights’, and expressing his “disappointment towards India’s policy of implementing the NRC (National Register of Citizens) and the CAA (Citizens Amendment Act) which are both of extreme importance to our country’s security and stability. 

Biden’s double (or multiple moral standards) are exposed by the fact that the US equivalent of the NRC, is the process of identifying every natural-born and immigrant resident by a unique SSN (Social Security Number) which ensures in the U.S. Govt data-bank; that persons finger-prints, face-picture and optical scan. The U.S. equivalent of the CAA is the ‘Lautenberg Amendment’ enacted in 1990 that provides fast-track immigration to persecuted minorities; the Jews, the Evangelical Christians, Ukrainian Catholics or Ukrainian Orthodox nationals from the former Soviet Union countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.This law was expanded in 2004 to include Jews, Christians, Bahai and other religious minorities from Iran.  

Biden (aged 77) is not the sole influence on his party. Nancy Pelosi (aged 80) who has served as the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives since 2019 and who has attracted multi-million dollars in donations to the Democratic party; had stated in July 2019 that “the US Congress continues to be concerned about how India is treating its Muslims citizens. This pro- Muslim mindset of the two leaders will definitely influence their policy decisions towards India. Add to this the influence of their colleague Bernie Sanders (aged 79), who during his speech to the Islamic Society of North America, expressed his deep concern for the situation in Kashmir.

The influence of the younger leaders of Biden’s party are also not favorable towards India. House Representative Ilhan Omar has derided Indias policy of defending Kashmir from cross-border terrorist attacks during a U.S. Foreign Affairs Committee’s sub-committee hearing on Asia, Pacific and Non-proliferation by stating that “The only problems in Kashmir are caused by what you (India) call militants and the only people protesting to breakaway from India are all nefariously backed by Pakistan”. Omar, who was born in Somalia has been a center of controversies ranging from two marriage licenses, allegations of immigration fraud and a brief marriage to her own brother. She is deeply connected to CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations), a U.S based Islamic advocacy group with connections to Hamas and Hezbollah, both designated terrorist groups. CAIR itself is designated as a terrorist organization by the UAE (United Arab Emirates) in 2014. Another U.S. Islamic lawmaker, Rashida Tlaib (who has ancestral ties to Palestine) introduced a resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives, criticizing the Government of India for revoking Article 370 of the Indian Constitution (which is purely an internal issue of our sovereign nation) and making unfounded accusations of human rights violations in India, with specific reference to Kashmir.

 Islamist leaders of the Democratic Party are not the only U.S. lawmakers with an anti-Indian agenda. U.S. Representative Pramila Jayapal (who is ironically of Indian origin), Democratic senators Benjamin Cardin (Maryland), Tim Kaine (Virginia) and Ed Markey (Massachusetts) have consistently targeted India on various issues, many times on behalf of Islamic supporters of their constituencies, and on other times to score political brownie points. However, the ‘Political Gambit Queen’ is Vice-President elect Kamala Harris. In her criticism of India’s sovereign policies regarding Kashmir, NRC and CAA; she has clearly stated that she would like a ‘proactive intervention on-the-ground’; which effectively means that she will seek some reason or excuse to intervene in the internal affairs of our country, a dangerous mindset for a person who might well succeed Joe Biden as President in case his health fails him. Essentially, these far- left socialist ideologues which have been nothing more than an irritation during Trump’s presidency will now become serious infections that could backtrack on many India-U.S. initiatives that have been agreed upon during Barak Obama and Donald Trump’s presidencies.

 Three high-priority issues will dominate the future of India - U.S. Trade relationships; trade, H-1B Visa immigration policy and strategic security around India in the Asia - Pacific region.

According to USTR (United States Trade Representative) data, the total bi-lateral trade between India and the U.S. in 2019, was over US$ 146 billion. However, during the Donald Trump presidency, the U.S. and India were not able to agree to the terms of an equitable trade-deal. In June 2019 Trump removed India from the list of countries eligible for GSP (Generalized System of Preferences) and reinstated tariff on certain Indian imports into USA. India retaliated with tariff hikes on 29 high value U.S. agricultural and industrial products. No major difference in policy can be expected from the Biden administration.

Biden has published a ‘Made in America’ plan that proposes restriction on imports of steel, cement, concrete, building materials and equipment. His focus will certainly be on strengthening American companies, even at the cost of improving bilateral trade. Biden has still not publicly stated his positions on the WTO and tariffs imposed by the U.S. Its possible that the Biden administration might want to negotiate reductions in tariff in return for concessions towards U.S. exports, an old and familiar tactic of past administrations. The possible addition of human rights and climate change issues to trade negotiations might be added irritants to future negotiations.

During his 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump had made the H-1B visa program as a key issue of his immigration agenda. His ‘Buy American, Hire American executive order of April 2017 restricted the process by which government agencies could hire foreign contractors. Significant changes to the H-1B visa policy prevented entry level technicians, mostly from India, from acquiring this visa. Indian info-tech industry, often accused as the prime abuser of the U.S. H-1B visa policy bore the brunt of this changes. In October, the Trump administration had issued a proposal to replace the the random selection process to procure this visa and replace it with a wage based system in which applicants would be selected based on salary pay-rates. This would prioritize the selection of H-1B registrations based on corresponding wage levels to protect the economic interests of U.S. workers.  

Biden’s agenda, as per his proposal will “reform the temporary visa system for high skill specialist jobs to protect wages and workers, and then expand the number of visas offered and eliminate the limits on employment-based green cards by country, which have kept so many (Indian) families in waiting for too long. His mention of protecting wages would mean that he might favor replacing the lottery system in favor of salary parameters, which would be the replication of Trump’s policy on this issue. Much will depend on which party gets control over the Senate and the House of Representatives, as they will differ over significant immigration reforms. Its possible that Biden might shift his focus from the H-1B visa to the Founders Visa by which foreign entrepreneurs could establish businesses in the U.S.

Originally created by the Barak Obama administration, it was called the International Entrepreneur Rule. The program grants temporary visas to start-up founders from other countries if their companies meet certain requirements, like financing from U.S. investors. To qualify entrepreneurs must own at least 15 percent of a U.S. start-up, and demonstrate the company’s growth potential, investments from qualified American investors, and “significant public benefit to the United States.” This visa proposal was rolled-back and effectively ended by the Trump administration.

 Presently, India is in the center of a perfect storm in the Asia - Pacific region as the U.S. proceeds to disengage from its weary and treasury depleting war in Afghanistan, while also ensuring a pro-active military activity to counter China’s ambition in dominating the region through its Belt & Road Initiative and South China Seas aggression.

 The Obama administration had nominated India as a Major Defense Partner, a status approved by the U.S. Congress and in August 2016 India signed the LEMOA (Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement) with the United States for deeper military cooperation. This agreement allows for the military forces of each country to replenish supplies, essential spare parts and acquire services from each others facilities on a reimbursement basis.

Under the Trump administration, U.S. signed the COMCASA (Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement) and BECA (Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement for Geo-Spacial Cooperation); completing the initial phase of military cooperation between the two countries.

The U.S. policy regarding its over-stay in Afghanistan will be a crucial factor in its future relationships with that country’s government and by extension its relationships with Pakistan and India. India has been considered as a strategic ally of the U.S. from the times of Bill Clinton's presidency and this is not expected to change during the Biden administration. The U.S. relations with Pakistan will be determined more on Pakistan-China relationship and its effect on the Indian continent. As the U.S. withdraws from Afghanistan, its dependency on Pakistan is expected to be reduced greatly. While Pakistan embraces the China economic model more closely and uses Chinese support for aggressive military and terrorist activities against India, the Biden administration will be put at cross-roads in their foreign policy . It will be tough for Biden to justify deepening U.S. ties with Pakistan while that country is strongly allied with their biggest rival, China. Add to this the growing competition between Russia, Iran, Turkey and China to influence the politics and economic growth of Afghanistan after the U.S. withdraws from that region, and India can be clearly seen as the only stable and dependable neutral partner to peace in that area.

India's ambitions in the Asia - Pacific region are of a strategic advantage to the U.S. in its military and economic rivalry against China. Whether Biden can be influenced by this to continue building the Quad initiative and stronger military cooperation with India, will depend on many factors, but ultimately on India's stance in this region. Rather than convincing Biden and his administration officials about the advantages of cooperation with India, a pro-active policy by India in the Asia - Pacific region would induce Biden to focus on building-up his relationships with India.

 India’s sole option for the near and far future to become a dominant power would be to independently engage with countries of the Asia - Pacific region on an economic agenda of investments through sharing of technology and enhanced trade policy with our neighboring countries.

Inferior people desire wealth. The mediocre class desires wealth as well as respect. But, great people desire only respect. Respect itself is considered as wealth by great people.
—Acharya Chanakya 





World Trade Center Attack - Prelude and Repercussion

 Nineteen years ago on 09 September 2001, a group of 19 men working in four groups hijacked commercial aircraft in USA, in early morning and used these planes as weapons in suicide missions that successfully targeted the twin towers of the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York city and the Pentagon (headquarters of the United States of America’s Department of Defense) near Washington D.C, while the fourth flight crashed into rural areas killing all abroad. Of the 19 hijackers; 15 were Saudi Arabian nationals, 2 were from United Arab Emirates and 1 each from Lebanon and Egypt. The attacks killed 2,606 people in and around WTC towers, 125 people working in the Pentagon and 265 fatalities on-board the four airplanes; the total fatalities being approximately 2,996.

This was not the first attack on the WTC. On 26 February 1993; a truck bomb was detonated in the basement parking of the North Tower of the WTC; killing seven people and injuring over a thousand. The attackers were a mix of Middle-eastern men who had immigrated to the United States from diverse countries like Kuwait, Egypt, and West Bank of Palestine; and were funded by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, a Pakistani national who was a member of the terrorist group, al-Qaeda.

Within hours of the 9/11 attack, it was clear that Western leaders specially from USA and UK were going to use the attack to justify war in Middle-East and Central Asia. The President of USA, George “Dublya”Bush declared ‘war on terror’, an ambiguous policy that had no defined enemy, thereby giving the USA to declare anyone and any organization that they “deemed to be against the interests of the United States of America”, as the enemy.

Robert Gates, who served as the Secretary of Defense in both the George Dublya Bush and Barak Hussein Obama administrations made it clear when he stated that, “ the message that we are sending to everyone, not just Iran, is that the United States is an enduring presence in this part of the world. We have been here for a long time. We will be here for a long time and everybody needs to remember that - both our friends and those who might consider themselves our adversaries."

 Gates was merely quoting the doctrine of 39th President of USA, Jimmy Carter; who in his 1980 State of the Union Address had stated clearly that "An attempt by any outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the vital interests of the United States of America, and such an assault will be repelled by any means necessary, including military force.

The Carter Doctrine was formed after the disastrous U.S. policy of regime change in Iran; that led to the then Shah of Iran, Reza Pahlavi being deposed by the Iranian Revolution of 1979, leading to Iran being transformed into an Islamic Republic under the control of the radical Shia clerics. Historically, in the years following World War 2, USA became a global force with its foreign policy structured to extend around the world, especially in the strategic and oil-rich middle-east, which also allowed it to monitor events in Asia, and to contain and restrict any attempts by Asian countries to pursue an agenda for development outside the influence of the U.S., or to challenge its dominance.

The policy of “war on terror” was an extension of this thought process. The policy was not based on critical thinking or logical international strategy; but on displaying the American ‘military might’ in a war that by all standards was both immoral and illegal. As the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are still dragging on for almost two decades, its clear that Dublya’s vision of quick military victory was merely an illusion, and the attempts of political domination have failed miserably. The same U.S. that had gone to war against the Taliban (‘students’ in Pashto language) for harboring the al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden; have been dragged to the peace talks with them in 2020.

In Iraq, the fall of Saddam Hussein did not lead to a western style democracy, but to the rise of successive Shia governments loyal to Iran and its clergy. Lack of political strategy in Iraq led to the formation of ISIS (Islamic State in Syria and Iraq) aka Daesh in 2006, which not on defeated the U.S. backed Iraqi military but also destabilized Syria. Daesh went on to form a new country; the ‘Islamic State’ that, at its peak in 2014 controlled 100,000 square kilometers of land area, which has now been reduced to less that 4,000 sq/kms surrounded by Iraqi and Syrian Army forces. However, Daesh is still active and operational in 18 countries, prominently in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Yemen and Nigeria.

The role of Saudi Arabia in sponsoring the WTC attacks in 2001 has always been a matter of serious consideration. Around 13th May 2020, the American Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) accidentally disclosed the name of a Saudi diplomat suspected of directing support to two al-Qaeda hijackers in the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, as reported by Yahoo News. Mussaed Ahmed al-Jarrah was a mid-level Saudi foreign ministry official who was assigned to the Saudi embassy in Washington, DC in 1999 and 2000. He was in charge of supervising the activities of Ministry of Islamic Affairs employees at Saudi-funded mosques and Islamic centers in the U.S. A partially declassified 2012 FBI report about an investigation into possible links between the al-Qaeda hijackers and Saudi government officials initially focused on two individuals, Fahad al-Thumairy, a cleric, and Omar al-Bayoumi, a suspected Saudi agent.

A redacted copy of a three-and-a-half page October 2012 FBI "update" about the investigation said that FBI agents had uncovered "evidence" that al-Thumairy and al-Bayoumi had been "tasked" to assist two hijackers by a person whose name was blacked out and was referred to as the ‘third man’, an accredited Saudi diplomat, who has now been identified as al-Jarrah. Currently, all the evidence gathered by the FBI against al-Jarrah remains sealed, but it does indicate that successive U.S. Governments from 2000 till date have covered up the involvement of Saudi Arabia in the WTC attacks. While the Saudi government has repeatedly denied any involvement in the 9/11 attacks, the fact that 15 out of 19 hijackers were Saudi citizens and that the U.S. government has consistently prevented internal investigative documents of its own FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) from becoming public raises questions about collusion and conspiracy between the two countries leaders.  



Sins of the Vatican “Deciphering the Complexities of the Catholic Church”

  Introduction: Throughout history, few institutions have wielded as much influence, power, and controversy as the Catholic Church and its...