Sunday, April 26, 2009

Is the Hindu Samaj Dead ?


April 2009

 The Hindu Samaj: Dead and Gone? 

Today as the nation enters the 2nd phase of the 2009 general elections, we are faced with a growing gap between democracy and on the ground politics. While the elections are being held to allow the people to vote into the Parliament their own chosen candidate; the reality is that each section of the people is pushing into the electoral field their choice of candidate based on caste, creed and religion. 

Political speeches are aimed at and focused prominently upon the caste factor or the religious affinity of the electorate towards its candidates. Hindu and Muslim politicians are focusing on their religious vote banks to get to the seat of power; while using words like democratic process and secularism to try and get the fringe votes from those voters who are either ignorant or totally unconcerned about the value of their each single vote. 

The deep divides in the Hindu Samaj of our country is confusing. Hindus are either unaware of the danger to the Hindu Samaj (Polity) from both the Christians & Muslims; or the Hindus do not care if India again becomes a country ruled either by the Muslims (as it was by the Mughals) or by the Westerners (as it was by the British). Hindus are today divided in thought, speech and action. 

The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) is dormant. The VHP has not undertaken any effort to spread the Hindu philosophy or culture to the young of India. The leadership of the VHP must understand that if they do not modify their efforts to attract the attention of the youngsters, the VHP will be soon totally redundant and will vanish into history. Those of the VHP who think that this cannot happen must remember that the ‘Abhinav Bharat’ movement started by Veer Savarkar is today non-existent. Organizations die when they are not flexible towards changing times and change in attitudes. 

The other ‘Hindutva’ organization, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is in utter confusion. All Indians know that L.K. Advani is focused on becoming the Prime Minister of India after the 2009 elections. Most Indian people know that Advani will fail miserably in this self-seeking goal. BJP seems to be divided into camps; each having their own agenda. Advani is pushing himself as the strong leader, the ‘Loh Purush’ of India, the man of vision and resolve, with Rajnath Singh hanging desperately to his coat-tails. The others of the BJP are mostly busy criticizing the Congress (Sonia Miano Gandhi) party and their former allies. It is apparent to the entire nation that the BJP comes across as a party of people who complain and whine. 

The only sane and stable person in the BJP is Narendra Modi, whose speeches are focused on development and economic growth. Modi is a man who has delivered growth to the people of Gujarat; so his speeches carry the strength of authenticity and pride. But one Modi cannot make an entire BJP, not at least in the current election. 

The third ‘Hindutva’ organization is the Shiv Sena. Regardless of the fact that the Shiv Sena has not been able to achieve a national victory in any election; this is the single party who under the leadership of Balasaheb Thakrey has always maintained a singular political agenda and a strong focus on Hindu Pride. However, the party has never been able to expand beyond the confines of Maharashtra

The issue in a nut-shell is that Hindu Rashtra (Polity) is a divided community. Hindus are focused on caste and regionalism rather than on being only ‘Hindus’. Given this divide, the Hindu political vote in the city casts his ballot on the basis of foreign political philosophy (Communism; as can be seen in Bengal and Kerala) or on the basis of secularism (those who vote for Congress). Other Hindus are so divided on the basis of caste that they either have their own regional parties or they are outside the electoral process because they are totally disgusted with the current politics. 

If India has to survive as a strong democracy, where every person has equal rights and equal freedom of thought, speech & action; then India must be reinforced by Hindustan. The Hindu community must be persuaded to unite under one political philosophy and under one political organization so that the dangers that our nation faces will be tackled correctly and comprehensively. 

It should be the duty (dharma) of each Hindu to be an active part of the Indian political process. Whether as a tutor spreading the knowledge of Hinduism & Hindutva or as a student absorbing this knowledge, each Hindu has to take on the right to question the Government of India; constantly and daily on every issue. It is only when the Government is answerable on a daily basis to over 700 million of its Hindu population; that is when we will have a government that functions for the people. 

Let us all Hindus unite to form a nation – united under one philosophy and one flag that will provide India with a Government “Of the people; By the people & For the People”.

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