Monday, December 24, 2018


Researched and Compiled for FINS by ‘Sardar Sanjay Matkar
01 October 2018

Since the evolution of mankind began, approximately 15 million years ago; we have looked up at the sky and wondered about the moon and the stars and the occasional dramatic events we see there. But, it is only in the past 40 years that mankind has developed the technology and technical capability to visit other astral bodies in the universe.
The first rocket that could fly high enough to get into space was the V2 missile launched by Germany in 1942. The first rocket that had the capability to launch a satellite into space was the Russian R7-ICBM that launched the space satellite ‘Sputnik’. What followed thereafter was a race between America and Soviet Union, to travel into space with unmanned probes and manned space-craft. During the last four decades, hundreds of satellites, probes and space shuttles have been launched, which have explored near-Earth space, traveled to the Moon and to all planets except Pluto. And, with permanent space stations already in orbit around Earth and telescopes exploring more and more of our universe, space research is still continuing. Talk of future developments includes building a colony on Mars, searching for life in other galaxies, and other exciting programs.
Travel into Space is only possible is if we can escape Earth's gravitational field. For a spacecraft to do so it must reach a velocity of 11 km/sec (or 39,600 km/hr ). It was only by the middle of the twentieth century that mankind finally understood enough about rocket science to make such high speeds attainable.
Space; as we know it today; consists of the solar system; made up of the Sun and everything that orbits around it, including planets, moons, asteroids, comets and meteoroids. It extends from the Sun, and goes past the four inner planets, through the Asteroid Belt to the four gas giants and on to the disk-shaped Kuiper Belt and far beyond to the teardrop-shaped heliopause. Scientists estimate that the edge of the solar system is about 9 billion miles (15 billion kilometers) from the sun. Beyond the heliopause lies the giant, spherical Oort Cloud, which is thought to surround the solar system.
Our solar system consists of an average star we call the Sun, in the following order the planets; starting nearest the sun and working outward through the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Planet Nine. It includes: the satellites of the planets; numerous comets, asteroids, and meteoroids; and the interplanetary medium. The Sun is the richest source of electromagnetic energy (mostly in the form of heat and light) in the solar system. The Sun's nearest known stellar neighbor is a red dwarf star called Proxima Centauri, at a distance of 4.3 light years away. The whole solar system, together with the local stars visible on a clear night, orbits the center of our home galaxy, a spiral disk of 200 billion stars we call the Milky Way.
The Milky Way has two small galaxies orbiting it nearby, which are visible from the southern hemisphere. They are called the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Small Magellanic Cloud. The nearest large galaxy is the Andromeda Galaxy. It is a spiral galaxy like the Milky Way but is 4 times as massive and is 2 million light years away. Our galaxy, one of billions of galaxies known, is traveling through intergalactic space.
What is Intergalactic Space? ¹
The space between stars is known as interstellar space, and the space between galaxies is called intergalactic space. These are the vast empty spaces that exist between galaxies. For example, if we wanted to travel from the Milky Way to the Andromeda galaxy, we would need to cross 2.5 million light-years of intergalactic space.
Intergalactic space is as close as one can get to an absolute vacuum. There’s very little dust and debris, and scientists have calculated that there’s probably only one hydrogen atom per cubic meter. The density of material is higher near galaxies, and lower in the midpoint between galaxies. Galaxies are connected by rarefied plasma that is thought to possess a cosmic filamentary structure, which is slightly denser than the average density of the Universe. This material is known as the intergalactic medium, and it’s mostly made up of ionized hydrogen. Astronomers think that the intergalactic medium is about 10 to 100 times denser than the average density of the Universe.
Interstellar Travel – The possibilities ²
The term “moonshot” is sometimes invoked to denote a project so outrageously ambitious that it can only be described by comparing it to the Apollo 11 mission that landed the first human on the Moon. The breakthrough “Starshot Initiative” transcends the moonshot descriptor because its purpose goes far beyond the Moon. The aptly-named project seeks to travel to the nearest stars.
The brainchild of Russian-born tech entrepreneur billionaire Yuri Milner, Breakthrough Starshot was announced in April 2016 at a press conference joined by renowned physicists including Stephen Hawking and Freeman Dyson. While still early, its current vision is that thousands of wafer-sized chips attached to large, silver lightsails will be placed into Earth orbit and accelerated by the pressure of an intense Earth-based laser hitting the lightsail. After just two minutes of being driven by the laser, the spacecraft will be traveling at one-fifth the speed of light—a thousand times faster than any macroscopic object has ever achieved.
Each craft will coast for 20 years and collect scientific data about interstellar space. Upon reaching the planets near the Alpha Centauri star system, the onboard digital camera will take high-resolution pictures and send these back to Earth, providing the first glimpse of our closest planetary neighbors. In addition to scientific knowledge, we may learn whether these planets are suitable for human colonization. While this endeavor may sound like science fiction, there are no known scientific obstacles to implementing it. However, for Starshot to be successful, a number of advances in technologies are necessary. The organizers and advising scientists are relying upon the exponential rate of advancement to make Starshot happen within 20 years.

Objective:    Exoplanet Detection

An exoplanet is a planet outside our Solar System. While the first scientific detection of an exoplanet was in 1988; as of May 2017 there have been 3,608 confirmed detections of exoplanets in 2,702 planetary systems. While some resemble those in our Solar System, many have fascinating and bizarre features, such as rings 200 times wider than Saturn’s.
Advances in Telescope Technology
Just 100 years ago the world’s largest telescope was the Hooker Telescope at 2.54 meters. Today, the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope consists of four large 8.2-meter diameter telescopes and is now the most productive ground-based facility in astronomy.
In May 2016, researchers using the Transiting Planets and Planetesimals Small Telescope (TRAPPIST) in Chile found not just one but seven Earth-sized exoplanets in the habitable zone. NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has revealed the first known system of seven Earth-size planets around a single star. Three of these planets are firmly located in the habitable zone, the area around the parent star where a rocky planet is most likely to have liquid water. This discovery sets a new record for greatest number of habitable-zone planets found around a single star outside our solar system. All of these seven planets could have liquid water – key to life as we know it – under the right atmospheric conditions, but the chances are highest with the three in the habitable zone.
At about 40 light-years (235 trillion miles) from Earth, the system of planets is relatively close to us, in the constellation Aquarius.
Using Spitzer data, the team precisely measured the sizes of the seven planets and developed first estimates of the masses of six of them, allowing their density to be estimated. Based on their densities, all of the TRAPPIST-1 planets are likely to be rocky. Further observations will not only help determine whether they are rich in water, but also possibly reveal whether any could have liquid water on their surfaces. The mass of the seventh and farthest exoplanet has not yet been estimated – scientists believe it could be an icy, "snowball-like" world, but further observations are needed.
Spitzer, Hubble, and Kepler will help astronomers plan for follow-up studies using NASA's upcoming James Webb Space Telescope, launching in 2018. With much greater sensitivity, Webb will be able to detect the chemical fingerprints of water, methane, oxygen, ozone, and other components of a planet's atmosphere. Webb also will analyze planets' temperatures and surface pressures – key factors in assessing their habitability.

The Starchip – a prelude to the Starship

Each 15-millimeter-wide Starchip will necessarily contain a vast array of sophisticated electronic devices, such as a navigation system, camera, communication laser, radioisotope battery, camera multiplexer, and camera interface. The expectation is that humankind will be able to compress an entire spaceship onto a small wafer is based on the exponentially decreasing sensor and chip sizes. The first computer chips in the 1960s contained a handful of transistors. Today, technology can squeeze billions of transistors onto each chip. The first digital camera weighed 8 pounds and took 0.01 megapixel images. Today, a digital camera sensor yields high-quality 12+ megapixel color images and fits in a smartphone—along with other sensors like GPS, accelerometer, and gyroscope. And we are seeing this improvements being used in space exploration with the advent of smaller satellites that are providing better data.
For Starshot to succeed, technological advances must allow the chip’s mass to be about 0.22 grams by the year 2030, and based on the current rate of technical improvements, projections suggest this is entirely possible.

The Lightsail driving the Starchip

The sail must be made of a material which is highly reflective (to gain maximum momentum from the laser), minimally absorbing (so that it is not incinerated from the heat), and also very light weight (allowing quick acceleration). These three criteria are extremely constrictive and there is at present no satisfactory material that has been designed. The required advances may come from artificial intelligence automating and accelerating materials discovery. Such automation has advanced to the point where machine learning techniques can “generate libraries of candidate materials by the tens of thousands,” allowing engineers to identify which ones are worth pursuing and testing for specific applications.

Energy Storage on board Starchip

While the Starchip will use a tiny nuclear-powered radioisotope battery for its 24-year-plus journey, it will still need conventional chemical batteries for the lasers. The lasers will need to employ tremendous energy in a short span of time, meaning that the power must be stored in nearby batteries. Battery storage has improved at 5-8% per year, though we often don’t notice this benefit because appliance power consumption has increased at a comparable rate resulting in a steady operating lifetime. If batteries continue to improve at this rate, in 20 years they should have 3 to 5 times their present capacity.

Harnessing Lasers’ Power

Thousands of high-powered lasers will be used to push the lightsail to extraordinary speeds. In the last decade there has been a dramatic acceleration in power scaling of diode and fiber lasers, the former breaking through 10 kilowatts from a single mode fiber in 2010 and the 100-kilowatt barrier a few months later. In addition to the raw power, advances in combining phased array lasers, will be necessary.

The Need for Speed

It was in 1804 that the train was invented and soon thereafter produced the never before unheard speed of 70 mph. The Helios 2 spacecraft eclipsed this record in 1976: at it’s fastest, it was moving away from Earth at a speed of 356,040 km/h. Just 40 years later the New Horizons spacecraft achieved a heliocentric speed of almost 45 km/s or 100,000 miles per hour. Yet even at these speeds it would take a long, long time to reach Alpha Centauri at slightly more than four light years away. Accelerating subatomic particles to nearly light speed is routine in particle accelerators, never before has this been achieved for macroscopic objects. Achieving 20% speed of light for Starshot would represent a 1000x speed increase for any human-built object.

Memory and its Storage

Fundamental to computing is the ability to store information. Starshot depends on the continued decreasing cost and size of digital memory to include sufficient storage for its programs and the images taken of Alpha Centauri star system and its planets.
The cost of memory has also decreased exponentially for decades: in 1970, a megabyte cost about one million dollars; it’s now about one-tenth of a cent. The size required for the storage has similarly decreased, from a 5-megabyte hard drive being loaded via forklift in 1956 to the current availability of 512-gigabyte USB sticks weighing a few grams.

Telecommunication with Earth Control

Once the images are taken; Starchip(s) will need to send the images back to Earth for processing. Telecommunications has advanced rapidly since Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876. The average internet speed in the US is currently about 11 megabits per second. The bandwidth and speed required for Starshot to send digital images over 4 light years—or 20 trillion miles—will require taking advantage in the latest telecommunications technology. One promising technology is Li-Fi, a wireless approach which is 100 times faster than Wi-Fi.  A second is via optical fibers which now boast 1.125 terabits per second. There are even efforts in quantum telecommunications which are not just ultrafast but completely secure.

Computing the Data

The final step in the Starshot project is to analyze the data returning from the spacecraft. To do so we must take advantage of the exponential increase in computing power, benefiting from the trillion-fold increase in computing over the 60 years. This dramatically decreasing cost of computing has now continued due largely to the presence of cloud computing. Extrapolating into the future and taking advantage of new types of processing, such as quantum computing, we should see another thousand-fold increase in power by the time data from Starshot returns. Such extreme processing power will allow us to perform sophisticated scientific modeling and analysis of our nearest neighboring star system. 
Interstellar Travel – Why it’s not as easy as Science Fiction ³
Almost 50 years ago, humans were walking on the moon. But we stopped going in 1972 and never ventured any farther, except by sending robotic probes. What is it that makes travel far away so difficult? Besides the obvious human health concerns (living in microgravity tends to weaken a body over time) and budgetary issues, there are vast technological problems with traveling to faraway places.
Accelerating a spacecraft with pure energy would take a lot of propulsion, not to mention that you would eventually run into a speed limit. According to Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity postulated a century ago, “as any object approaches the speed of light, its mass reaches infinity”. So, in other words, a spacecraft couldn't physically go as fast as light.
And whether humans travel near the speed of light or use other methods, they would likely run into the phenomenon of time dilation . As a spacecraft moves at speeds approaching that of light, occupants would age at a slower rate than their friends and family back home, Einstein's theory of special relativity shows. So, people on a long voyage may return to find their loved ones greatly aged, or dead. 
Interstellar travel is still possible, but as far as we know, the best option is to think fairly local for now. The nearest star system to us is Alpha Centauri that is close enough to be intriguing: just about four years away if you travel at the speed of light. But at slower speeds, it's still pretty far. If the Voyager 2 spacecraft (which launched in 1977 and breached interstellar space in 2012) had gone in that direction, it wouldn't reach Alpha Centauri for another 75,000 years.
Whenever humanity does figure out how to voyage far into interstellar space, we will get benefits and new insights, even with a (relatively) short trip to Alpha Centauri. First of all, interstellar travel would provide a bit of a backup for humanity. In case our own solar system ended up inhabitable; we could theoretically voyage to another world and continue living there. Additionally, scientists would be glad to study the interstellar medium (the gas and dust that lie in between stars), and of course, the astro-biological studies. As far as we know, we are the only life in the universe, but the idea that there could be life on other worlds is certainly quite tantalizing, and interesting.

The Future of Space Architecture
“A strategy that goes all the way out into the stars”
The US Air Force Space Command recently released a white paper titled “Resiliency and Disaggregated Space Architectures”.  It breaks down the needs and wants of the future of space command program, within the limits that today’s environment allows. The security environment of today, as the paper says, is much different than in the past.  Satellites used to be the biggest and flashiest things they could roll onto the launch pad. Performance was prioritized over protection as the threat of “mutually assured destruction” reduced any risk of an attack. Then technology evolved.
System designs became increasingly complex, integrated and expensive.  With the ambitions of a foregone era, but not the budget, the need for advancement in space technologies for security and communication purposes still exists.  A answer to this has been proposed: “disaggregation”- A concept that might be able to bridge the gap between innovation and affordability.
According to the white paper, “Disaggregation improves mission survivability by increasing the number and diversity of potential targets, thereby complicating an adversary’s decision calculus and increasing the uncertainty of successful attack.” In slightly less complicated terms, they want to break up the space mission technology and efforts onto multiple platforms or systems.
Disaggregation is of value whether the threat is a hostile adversary, or an environmental threat, such as orbital debris.  Instead of sending one behemoth into the stratosphere, they want to create a lot of simpler, more effective systems and technologies.  These smaller platforms are designed to do the same thing as the big mission, but in a more network-integrated way.
“The space systems that met yesterday’s challenges must address today’s problems, and today’s architectures must address the future security environment”.
While kinetic threats could obviously be devastating, non-kinetic threats, such as radio-frequency jammers and cyber attacks, can be equally destructive and are far more prevalent. Cyberspace threats, in particular, have exceptionally low barriers to entry and are growing rapidly. Space systems that rely on complex software and radio-frequency links could be susceptible to these attacks, despite robust cryptographic protection. Given the challenges of a rapidly changing security and fiscal environment, seeking resilience in space systems is of a benefit to the security of the nation. Disaggregating space architectures is one strategy to improve resiliency, offering a means to trade cost, schedule, performance, and risk to increase flexibility and capability survivability.
Disaggregation is “the dispersion of space-based missions, functions or sensors across multiple systems spanning one or more orbital plane, platform, host or domain. It is a strategy to affect multiple elements of overall space architecture and its purpose is to provide options within architecture to drive down cost, increase resiliency and distribute capability. Disaggregation has other benefits. It allows systems to be less complex, easier to maintain and affords the Air Force the ability to lower per-unit production costs and improve industrial base stability.
Increased Technology Refresh Opportunities
Current satellite systems have developmental timelines of up to 14 years.  Once on orbit these systems routinely exceed 10 years of life. Through less complex satellites employing more flexible designs, disaggregation facilitates the incorporation of new technology before the end of a space constellation’s lifetime. In this regard, it represents an evolution of system acquisition that enables adaptable platforms, software, and capabilities to more effectively match emerging needs.
Increased Launch and Space Industrial Base Stability
Disaggregation could also foster healthy competition and assist with distributing workload over multiple contractors. Payloads flown on separate spacecraft groups could be provided by different contractor teams, potentially dividing large contracts, creating industrial competition and allowing technology insertion on independent timelines.
“Depending on the approach to disaggregation employed, it could lead to more frequent and predictable launch profiles.”
Improved Deterrence
If, as many experts assert, an attack in space is inevitable, keeping things running from many locations has benefits.  Disaggregation will enable new tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) to take advantage of the unique attributes of a dispersed architecture.  Basically, there’s something to be said about not putting all your technology eggs into one satellite/facility basket.
If the premise is accepted that national security space assets will someday be attacked, then it’s paramount to have a military and moral obligation, to examine protective measures that minimize this risk and protect our nation’s war-fighters, citizens, and economy. While disaggregation is only part of the equation for space system resiliency, it offers the possibility to increase technology refresh opportunities, improve requirements discipline, increase launch and space industrial base stability, increase affordability and improve deterrence.
The US Department of Energy (DOE) and its predecessors have provided radioisotope power systems that have safely enabled deep space exploration and national security missions for five decades.
Radioisotope power systems (RPSs) convert the heat from the decay of the radioactive isotope plutonium-238 (Pu-238) into electricity. RPSs are capable of producing heat and electricity under the harsh conditions encountered in deep space for decades. They have proven safe, reliable, and maintenance-free in missions to study the moon and all of the planets in the solar system except Mercury. The RPS-powered New Horizons spacecraft transited the Pluto system on 14 July 2015, and will continue on to explore other objects in the Kuiper6 belt.
DOE maintains the infrastructure to develop, manufacture, test, analyze, and deliver RPSs for space exploration and national security missions. DOE provides two general types of systems – power systems that provide electricity, such as radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs), and small heat sources called radioisotope heater units (RHUs) that keep spacecraft components warm in harsh environments. DOE also maintains responsibility for nuclear safety throughout all aspects of the missions and performs a detailed analysis in support of those missions.



Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RTGs) — The RTG systems are ideal for applications where solar panels cannot supply adequate power, such as for spacecraft surveying planets far from the sun. RTGs have been used on many National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) missions, including the following.
Mars Science Laboratory Mission, Curiosity Rover
The Mars Science Laboratory rover, named Curiosity, launched on November 26, 2011, and landed successfully on Mars on August 5, 2012. It is the first NASA mission to use the Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (MMRTG). Curiosity is collecting Martian soil samples and rock cores, and is analyzing them for organic compounds and environmental conditions that could have supported microbial life now or in the past. Curiosity is the fourth and the largest, most capable rover ever sent to study a planet other than Earth.
The New Horizons spacecraft was launched on January 19, 2006. The fastest spacecraft to ever leave Earth, New Horizons has returned images and scientific data from Jupiter and will continue its journey of three billion miles to study Pluto and its moon, Charon, in 2015. It may also go on to study one or more objects in the vast Kuiper Belt, the largest structure in our planetary system.
Cassini Mission Orbiting Saturn
In July 2004, the Cassini mission entered the orbit of Saturn. Launched in October 1997, the Cassini spacecraft uses three DOE-supplied RTGs and is the largest spacecraft ever launched to explore the outer planets. It is successfully returning data and images of Saturn and its surrounding moons, using a broad range of scientific instruments. This mission requires RTGs because of the long distance from the sun, which makes the use of solar arrays impractical. The RTGs have allowed the mission to be extended twice; the mission is expected to last at least until 2017.
Voyager Mission to Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and the Edge of the Solar System
In the summer of 1977, Voyager 1 and 2 left Earth and began their grand tour of the outer planets. Both spacecraft use two RTGs supplied by DOE to generate electricity. In 1979, the spacecraft passed by Jupiter; in 1981, it passed by Saturn. Voyager 2 was the first spacecraft to encounter Uranus (1986) and Neptune (1989).  Voyager 1 is currently exploring interstellar space. Voyager 2 is slightly closer to the sun and is currently exploring the heliosheath on the boundary of interstellar space. Voyager 1 is presently the farthest human-made object from Earth, and currently more than 11 billion miles from earth. Both spacecraft remain operational and are sending back useful scientific data after over 35 years of operation. The RTGs are expected to continue producing enough power for spacecraft operations through 2025, 47 years after launch.
Radioisotope Heater Units (RHUs) — RHUs use the heat generated by Pu-238 to keep a spacecraft’s instruments within their designed operating temperatures.
In June and July 2003, NASA launched the Mars exploration rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, to explore evidence of water on Mars. Each rover has eight RHUs to keep the rover instruments warm during the cold Martian nights. The rovers landed at separate sites on Mars in January 2004 on a planned 90-day mission. Spirit roved the surface of Mars for over 6 years until it became stuck in a sand trap. Opportunity is still exploring the Martian surface and transmitting data after 7 years of operation. NASA has also identified several new missions potentially requiring RHUs. 
It is not yet 60 years since the first artificial satellite was placed into Earth orbit. In just over a half century, mankind has gone from no presence in outer space to a condition of high dependence on orbiting satellites. These sensors, receivers, transmitters, and other such devices, as well as the satellites that carry them, are components of complex space systems that include terrestrial elements, electronic links between and among components, organizations to provide the management, care and feeding, and launch systems that put satellites into orbit. In many instances, these space systems connect with and otherwise interact with terrestrial systems; for example, a very long list of Earth-based systems cannot function properly without information from the Global Positioning System (GPS).
Space systems are fundamental to the information business, and the modern world is an information-driven one. In addition to navigation (and associated timing), space systems provide communications and imagery and other Earth-sensing functions. Among these systems are many that support military, intelligence, and other national security functions of the United States and many other nations. Some of these are unique government, national security systems; however, functions to support national security are also provided by commercial and civil-government space systems.
The importance of space systems to any country and its allies; and potential adversaries raises major policy issues. National Security Space Defense and Protection reviews the range of options available to address threats to space systems, in terms of deterring hostile actions, defeating hostile actions, surviving hostile actions, and assesses potential strategies and plans to counter such threats. It recommends architectures, capabilities, and courses of action to address threats and actions to address affordability, technology risk, and other potential barriers or limiting factors in implementing future courses of action.


Space: The Final Frontier 7

Human beings are natural explorers. Our curiosities and our desires to build and tame that which is outside of us, is obvious; sometimes painfully so. It is equally clear to notice the patterns of our introspective journeys. There are points in time, however, when a technological paradigm shift occurs. And so, much like how space and time are a continuum in the scientific discipline of astrophysics, space and time are also interdependent in the design discipline.
The distance of time between the first commercial electronic telegraph and the announcement of the first iPhone was 170 years. That time-span is nothing compared to the time-span that modern-day humans have been around. It’s only .09% actually– not even a tenth of one percent of our time. And now, ten years later, we face the frontiers of functioning virtual reality and augmented reality. We are getting better, at a faster rate.
Humans are pretty ingenious. We are on the breakthrough of a new technology called “Quantum Computing”, that IBM now has a functioning quantum computer hooked up to the internet for computer scientists to experiment with. Quantum computing is widely seen as an evolution of computer technology, which may allow for much faster calculations than today's machines. Traditional computers process all their information using bits - information stored in tiny transistors that can either be on or off - interpreted as values of one and zero. Quantum computing instead takes advantage of a mechanic called super-positioning that allows quantum bits - or "qubits" - to have values of one, zero, or both at the same time.
Researchers believe this core difference will eventually lead to powerful devices with processing power that will exceed the limits of classic computers. While this technology is far from being a replacement for our laptops, it is our salvation from the limitations we begin to face with current and near future computing power. With the proper steam to move our tech forward and the emerging spaces of design becoming more within our reach, more useful, more ubiquitous with our daily tasks and the commonplace objects we interact with, the time has come for a new paradigm shift. This will not merely be a shift in our tools; it will literally be a shift in our world. 

4th Dimensional Design

4th Dimensional Design could be defined as the thoughtful consideration of, and construction of, a world rooted outside the confines of natural laws, yet existing primarily to function within the natural world. It has two requirements:
  1. The ability for humans to build objects and/or interfaces that could not be built solely using materials or methods found in nature.
  2. An understanding of the implications and purpose of the construction of such objects and/or interfaces and a method by which to govern and institute these understandings toward the betterment of society.
Designers and technologists are the new stewards. We have a responsibility to design a better world. With emerging design spaces and the arriving quantum computing technology to power these spaces, we’ll have the ability to shape the future.
4th Dimensional Design is an opportunity for us to take control of the reins of our destiny.
Over the past century humankind has managed to do the impossible and rein in famine, plague, and war. This may seem hard to accept, but, the reality is that famine, plague and war have been transformed from incomprehensible and uncontrollable forces of nature into manageable challenges. For the first time ever, more people die from eating too much than from eating too little; more people die from old age than from infectious diseases; and more people commit suicide than are killed by soldiers, terrorists and criminals put together.
What then; will replace famine, plague, and war at the top of the human agenda? As the self-made gods of planet earth, what destinies will we set ourselves, and which quests will we undertake? Homo Deus8 explores the projects, dreams and nightmares that will shape the twenty-first century—from overcoming death to creating artificial life. It asks the fundamental questions: Where do we go from here? And how will we protect this fragile world from our own destructive powers? This is the next stage of evolution.


Colonizing Space:

Exploration is one of humanity’s greatest drivers. We’ve moved around the planet and into almost every environment—mountains, deserts, jungles, and swamps. But will we be able to take the next step and adapt ourselves to life beyond the planet? If so, where in space is most habitable for humans?
It’s been almost half a century since man first set foot on the moon. But the recent advances in the areas of propulsion, computers, medical technology and artificial intelligence have created opportunities to design various types of vehicles for interstellar travel. However, the crucial question would be to ask, which entity would spear-head this progress; nations or private entrepreneurs? The investment of nations will always be determined by prestige projects as fickle as public opinion, and the limited lobbying of science special interests. None of this will likely ever be enough for major endeavors.
The interest of entrepreneurs however is a totally different story. Many entrepreneurs are interested solely in profit, others use profit as a tool for their dreams. Space colonization will be pioneered by the later and ultimately funded by the former. Once any human activity in outer space is found to be profitable without government subsidy, human presence in outer space will explode very rapidly.
The single overriding factor for anything to happen with regard to human colonization of space is launch costs. What has been achieved thus far has been achieved despite ridiculously huge costs to put payloads into space. Till now only robot satellites have been profitable and space is teaming with privately funded satellites as a result. If launch costs can come down enough however, a great many other activities, human activities, will become profitable. Chief among these will be asteroid (and possibly moon) mining and micro-gravity manufacturing, both of which will require a human element to manage intricacies.
SpaceX has successfully soft landed first stage boosters, commercial boosters that actually put a paid payload into orbit, something many space experts said was impossible. Recently, they have re-launched such boosters! This is a huge step towards space colonization, every bit as huge as delivering Voyager-1 to the outer limits of our galaxy and into interstellar space in 2012. Being able to recover and reuse launch rockets will ultimately reduce the cost of access to space so much, that regular human launches will become completely routine. We will soon (likely within the next decade) see the first privately funded pilot projects in space based manufacturing and asteroid harvesting.
Elon Musk (the owner and CEO of SpaceX) has a personal goal of colonizing Mars. His plan is simply to come up with a completely reusable transportation mechanism that can move people to Mars by the hundreds, and by virtue of it being reusable, sell tickets to Mars for a price that wealthy individuals can privately afford. He has done his own market research and found that his plan is in fact viable; only if he can get the ticket costs low enough to ensure that there is enough demand. Sadly that existing demand exists to a large degree on people's dreams of adventure, and it’s anybody’s guess whether dreams will surpass reality. 
The idea of terra-forming Mars – aka "Earth's Twin" – is a fascinating idea. Between melting the polar ice caps, slowly creating an atmosphere, and then engineering the environment to have foliage, rivers, and standing bodies of water, there's enough there to inspire many scientific adventurers. But just how long would such an endeavor take; what would it cost us, and is it really an effective use of our time and energy?

Such were the questions dealt with by two papers presented at NASA's "Planetary Science Vision 2050 Workshop" in Mar 2017. The first, titled "The Terraforming Timeline", presents an abstract plan for turning the Red Planet into something green and habitable. The second, titled "Mars Terraforming – the Wrong Way", rejects the idea of terraforming altogether and presents an alternative.

The former paper was produced by Aaron Berliner from the University of California, Berkeley, and Chris McKay from the Space Sciences Division at NASA Ames Research Center. In their paper, the two researchers present a timeline for the terraforming of Mars that includes a Warming Phase and an Oxygenation Phase, as well as all the necessary steps that would precede and follow.
As they state in their paper's Introduction:
"Terraforming Mars can be divided into two phases. The first phase is warming the planet from the present average surface temperature of -60° C to a value close to Earth's average temperature to +15° C, and recreating a thick CO² atmosphere. This warming phase is relatively easy and quick, and could take ~100 years. The second phase is producing levels of O² in the atmosphere that would allow humans and other large mammals to breathe normally. This oxygenation phase is relatively difficult and would take 100,000 years or more, unless one postulates a technological breakthrough."
Before these can begin, Berliner and McKay acknowledge that certain "pre-terraforming" steps need to be taken. These include investigating Mars' environment to determine the levels of water on the surface, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and in ice form in the Polar Regions, and the amount of nitrates in Martian soil. As they explain, all of these are keys to the practicality of making a biosphere on Mars. Till date, the available evidence points towards all three elements existing in abundance on Mars. While most of Mars water is currently in the form of ice in the polar regions and polar caps, there is enough there to support a water cycle – complete with clouds, rain, rivers and lakes. Meanwhile, some estimates claim that there is enough CO² in ice form in the Polar Regions to create an atmosphere equal to the sea level pressure on Earth.

To this, Valeriy Yakovlev – an astrophysicist and hydrogeologist from Laboratory of Water Quality in Kharkov, Ukraine – offers a dissenting view. In his paper, "Mars Terraforming – the Wrong Way", he makes the case for the creation of space biospheres in Low Earth Orbit that would rely on artificial gravity (like an O'Neill Cylinder) to allow humans to grow accustomed to life in space. Looking to one of the biggest challenges of space colonization, Yakovlev points to how life on bodies like the Moon or Mars could be dangerous for human settlers. In addition to being vulnerable to solar and cosmic radiation, colonists would have to deal with substantially lower gravity. In the case of the Moon, this would be roughly 0.165 times that which humans experience here on Earth (aka. 1 g), whereas on Mars it would be roughly 0.376 times.
In addition, he points to the challenges of creating the ideal environment for individuals living in space. Beyond simply creating better vehicles and developing the means to procure the necessary resources, there is also the need to create the ideal space environment for families. Essentially, this requires the development of housing that is optimal in terms of size, stability, and comfort. In light of this, Yakolev presents what he considers to be the most likely prospects for humanity's exit to space between now and 2030. This will include the creation of the first space biospheres with artificial gravity, which will lead to key developments in terms of materials technology, life support-systems, and the robotic systems and infrastructure needed to install and service habitats in Low Earth Orbit (LEO).
These habitats could be serviced thanks to the creation of robotic spacecraft that could harvest resources from nearby bodies – such as the Moon and Near-Earth Objects (NEOs). This concept would not only remove the need for planetary protections – i.e. worries about contaminating Mars' biosphere (assuming the presence of bacterial life), it would also allow human beings to become accustomed to space more gradually. And with space habitats in place, some very crucial research could begin, including medical and biologic research which would involve the first children born in space. It would also facilitate the development of reliable space shuttles and resource extraction technologies, which will come in handy for the settlement of other bodies – like the Moon, Mars, and even exoplanets.
Ultimately, Yakolev thinks that space biospheres could also be accomplished within a reasonable timeframe – i.e. between 2030 and 2050 – which is simply not possible with terraforming. Citing the growing presence and power of the commercial space sector, Yakolev also believed a lot of the infrastructure that is necessary is already in place (or under development). With NASA scientists and entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and Bas Landorp looking to colonize Mars in the near future, and other commercial aerospace companies developing LEO, the size and shape of humanity's future in space is difficult to predict. Perhaps we will jointly decide on a path that takes us to the Moon, Mars, and beyond. Perhaps we will see our best efforts directed into near-Earth space.
Or perhaps we will see ourselves going off in multiple directions at once. Whereas some groups will advocate creating space habitats in LEO (and later, elsewhere in the Solar System) that rely on artificial gravity and robotic spaceships mining asteroids for materials, others will focus on establishing outposts on planetary bodies, with the goal of turning them into "new Earths". Between them, we can expect that humans will begin developing a degree of "space expertise" in this century, which will certainly come in handy when we start pushing the boundaries of exploration and colonization even further. However, any permanent Mars habitat will be largely the domain of scientists, tourists and super-wealthy retirees. The problem with Mars is that there is nothing to do there (other than science and tourism) that cannot be done more profitably elsewhere, and therein lies the crux. This is not the death knell for space colonization; it will only require that Elon Musk have his transportation system with destinations other than Mars. Chief among these may be Ceres.11
Ceres is a dwarf planet in the asteroid belt, much easier to land on actually than Mars. It has just enough gravity that things parked near to it won't float away, but so little that sending material from Ceres to anywhere else in the solar system will be extremely inexpensive relative to the cost of getting stuff out of planetary gravity wells. It also has an extremely large supply of water, along with every other element we could possibly want. It is located in the asteroid belt so it could be home base for other asteroid mining activity as well. A colony on Ceres could be profitable; with the ability to supply oxygen, water, rocket fuel, building materials, etc., to any and all space projects, most especially including microgravity manufacturing factories operated by space colonists, making products profitably for sale on Earth and elsewhere.
Within the lifetimes of most people reading this, the human race will have a permanent, self sustaining human presence on a secondary planet away from Earth. That presence will continue to grow. It is very probable that the growth in human population will be such that building O'Niell12 colonies will be necessary and profitable, again within the lifetimes of people reading this.
There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area we call the Twilight Zone.

[1]           Fraser Crain: ‘What is Intergalactic Space?”
[2]           Mark Jackson, Pete Worden and Gregg Maryniak: “Interstellar Travel would be possible sooner than you     think”

[3]           Elizabeth Howell: “Engage Warp Drive! Why Interstellar Travel's Harder Than It Looks”

[4]           Time Dilation: “a slowing of time in accordance with the theory of relativity that occurs in a system in             motion relative to an outside observer and that becomes apparent especially as the speed of the system            approaches that of light”.

[5]           United States Air-force Command:  “The future of Space Architecture”.
[6]           Kuiper Belt: The Kuiper Belt is a region of space. It is a doughnut-shaped ring of icy objects around the         Sun, extending just beyond the orbit of Neptune from about 30 to 55 AU (astronomical units) compared         to Earth which is one astronomical unit, or AU, from the Sun.

[7]           Steven Paul Winkelstein: “Space, Time, & Quantum Leaps”

[8]           Yuval Noah Harari: Author of “Homo Deus”
[9]           Peter Cohen: “How Will Humans Colonize Space in the Years Ahead?”
[10]         Matt Williams: ‘Terraforming Mars”
[11]         Ceres: A Ceres colony would build a rotating torus inside the planetoid to create an artificial gravity for its   inhabitants. This would be quite easy as the microgravity would create little structural stress. The mass   above the torus would have relatively negligible weight requiring only minimal support. That mass would         shield the inhabitants from the hazards of the space environment every bit as well as does Earth's          atmosphere.
[12]         O’Niell Colony: Also called the O’Niell cylinder is a space settlement design proposed by American                physicist Gerald K. O’Neill in his 1976 book ‘The High    Frontier: Human Colonies in Space”.

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