Tuesday, October 6, 2020

To get more followers, be a great leader. That's it

What gets lost in all the techniques & maneuvers designed to gain more followers; is that leadership is not a game of numbers.

*      Leaders don’t lead numbers. Leaders lead people.

The key to getting more real followers – people you can truly motivate, inspire or inform – is to be the leader people want to follow. You may not have thousands of followers, but the followers you gain are the ones you most want to walk with on your political and personal journey.

Great leaders make people feel they aren't actually following; they are going somewhere important together.

Here are some ideas on being a leader people want to follow:

*      Be true to yourself

Ø  Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are all in one harmony.
Ø  When you’re a leader you’re on constant display. Everyone watches what you do and say.
Ø  What is truly most important to you and therefore your people? Is that the focus of your conversations? The questions you ask and the statements you make on a regular basis signal your real priorities.
Ø  What is your inspiration? Think about what tends to upset or frustrate you and how it aligns with the direction you set.
Ø  What example do you set? How you manage your-self is how your followers will manage their activities.
Ø  When you’re a great leader, people don’t think about you: They think about the goals, values, and direction you set… because the shadow you cast aligns perfectly with those goals and values, and with their own.

*      Take a position.

Great leaders sometimes feel the need to take a stand – not because they seek publicity or notoriety but simply because they have the courage to stand by their convictions.

What do you believe in – not just privately but publicly? What are your core convictions? Do you hold those convictions because you think you should… or because you hope others will admire you for them?

If what you believe is unpopular or out of favor, that’s okay: You may not gain thousands of followers, but will gain followers who hold the same convictions – and in time, together you might just start a movement.

v  Take a behavioral stand.

Great leaders are known not just for what they say but also, more importantly, for what they do. What do you do that sets you apart?

Great leaders embrace a worthwhile mission and excel at that mission, setting an example to follow for others who also embrace that mission.

v  Be accessible to all.

Often there’s a communication barrier between leaders and the people they lead. (The more successful you become the bigger that assumed barrier tends to be.)
Great leaders maintain a real connection with their followers, and that connection is based largely on communication.

The more followers you have the harder it is to stay connected.

Leadership is never a one-way street. If you want followers, you must be willing to do what it takes to speak to – and, more importantly, listen to – the people you lead.

v  Be human.

People don’t follow icons. They follow people. We all have our faults, weaknesses, and eccentricities. We all make mistakes.

Embrace who you really are. Show a little of your personal side. 

Your personality helps others identify you – and identify with you. A few personal details can add color and depth to your political image. People who will only like a false version of you are not the followers you want.

Be the real you: You may have fewer followers, but the ones you do have are the ones you truly want.

Think differently – and act on those differences.

v  Care for your followers:

 “No one cares about how much you know, until they first know how much you care about them.”

When people truly know you care about them, that’s when they start to care about you.

And when they know you care, they will listen to you... and follow you… and do almost anything for you.

*   That’s the mark of a real leader – one worthy of being followed.

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